Hey ladies! I wanted to make a quick post about my favorite brush and accessory brand. The first time a heard about them was through Youtube, can't recall which Makeup Guru I heard it from, but I decided to give it a try since I was refusing to invest $400 -give or take- on a MAC set.
*Quick interlude: I love MAC brushes (not the travel ones, they are just not that great), but if you don't have the money to afford them and still want the same high quality makeup application you seriously should consider this brand.
One of the things that inspires me to do this post, is their founder, Simone, which I personally don't know, but have seen the tenacity and care that shows through her brand. A true believer of empowerment, I have taken the oath to support women businesses as I myself am a business woman and aspire to create my own brand someday as well.
Sigma brushes are truly a great investment. They seem to have an alternative for every type of makeup user, they offer travel size brush sets to premium professional sets, all conveniently packed in the style and color of choice (seen black, pink & fuschia). If you already have been building up your brush collection, they also sell individual brushes.
I personally own their professional brush set (as seen above), have had it for a year, and it is still going strong. The brushes are from natural bristles, except the ones made for liquid application which are synthetic or the HD dual fiber brushes which have a combination of natural and synthetic fibers. Can't wait to get my hands on one of those premium kits someday. And did I mention their cute bags? Seriously, I think I'm having a cuteness overload! Anyways, hope you find this helpful, any questions or comments feel free to write below.
Much love,
This was not sponsored my Sigma Beauty. All of the opinions expressed where my own, and the brushes mentioned where purchased by me with my own money.
穏やかなブランドセンスが溢れ、女性らしい優雅さと気高さを十分にアピールするボッテガ トート!王道の職人技イントレチャートの魅力を最大限にアピールするボッテガ バッグ新作人気アイテムが周りから大好評を得ています!デザインはもちろんの事、機能性や収納力などにもこだわり満載!!絶対優雅さ薫る至高のイントレスタイル!完売必至!